The Best Keto-Friendly Dishes to Order at Restaurants

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Are you a keto enthusiast constantly on the hunt for delicious, low-carb options when dining out? Look no further!

This article presents the best keto-friendly dishes to order at restaurants. From Grilled Chicken with Vegetables to Zucchini Noodles with Bolognese Sauce, these mouthwatering options will keep you in ketosis without sacrificing flavor.

So, next time you’re eating out, don’t stress – simply follow our recommendations and enjoy a satisfying meal that aligns with your keto lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

– Grilled chicken, turkey, tofu, and grilled shrimp are keto-friendly protein options.
– Salmon with avocado salsa is a delicious and nutritious choice.
– Caesar salad with grilled shrimp is a satisfying and flavorful option.
– Zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce are a healthier option.

Grilled Chicken with Vegetables

You should try the grilled chicken with vegetables – it’s a delicious and keto-friendly option at many restaurants. Grilled chicken is a great choice for those following a ketogenic diet because it is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. It provides essential nutrients like B vitamins, selenium, and phosphorus.

If you’re looking for grilled chicken alternatives, you can also try grilled turkey or grilled tofu, which are both vegetarian keto options. These options provide a good amount of protein and can be paired with a variety of vegetables for a satisfying meal.

Now, let’s move on to the next dish on our list: salmon with avocado salsa.

Salmon with Avocado Salsa

Indulge in the mouthwatering combination of salmon and avocado salsa. Not only is this dish incredibly delicious, but it also offers a plethora of health benefits.

Avocado salsa is packed with healthy fats, which are essential for a well-balanced diet. These fats help to promote heart health and can even aid in weight loss.

Salmon, on the other hand, is a nutritional powerhouse. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can improve brain function. Additionally, salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.

So, the next time you’re dining out, consider ordering salmon with avocado salsa for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

Speaking of delicious and healthy options, let’s move on to the next dish: caesar salad with grilled shrimp.

Caesar Salad with Grilled Shrimp

If you’re craving a satisfying and flavorful salad, try the Caesar salad with grilled shrimp. This dish not only provides a refreshing mix of greens, but the addition of succulent grilled shrimp takes it to the next level. Here are three reasons why this keto-friendly salad should be on your radar:

1. Grilled shrimp recipes: Grilling shrimp adds a smoky flavor and enhances its natural sweetness. It’s a great way to prepare shrimp without adding unnecessary carbs or unhealthy fats.

2. Keto-friendly salad dressings: Caesar salad dressings are typically low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats. Look for dressings made with ingredients like olive oil, anchovies, and Parmesan cheese to keep it keto-friendly.

3. Nutrient-packed greens: A Caesar salad usually includes romaine lettuce, which is low in carbs but high in fiber and vitamins A and K. Adding grilled shrimp boosts the protein content and adds heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Now, let’s move on to another delicious keto option: steak with steamed broccoli.

Steak with Steamed Broccoli

For a satisfying and nutritious meal, try the steak with steamed broccoli. Not only is steak a delicious choice on a keto diet, but it also provides essential nutrients like protein and healthy fats. When ordering steak at a restaurant, be mindful of any marinades or sauces that may contain added sugars or carbohydrates. Opt for a plain, grilled steak instead. As for the side dish, steamed broccoli is an excellent choice. It is low in carbs and high in fiber, making it a perfect addition to a keto meal. Broccoli also offers numerous benefits, such as being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It can aid in digestion, support heart health, and even reduce inflammation. So, next time you’re dining out, order the steak with steamed broccoli for a satisfying and keto-friendly option.

Benefits of including broccoli in a keto dietTips for ordering steak at restaurants while following a keto diet
1. Low in carbs and high in fiber1. Choose plain, grilled steak without marinades or sauces
2. Rich in vitamins and minerals2. Ask for any dressings or toppings to be served on the side
3. Provides antioxidants and reduces inflammation3. Opt for a lean cut of steak, such as sirloin or filet mignon
4. Supports heart health and aids in digestion4. Ask for steamed or grilled vegetables as a side instead of potatoes or bread

As you explore your keto-friendly options at restaurants, another dish to consider is zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce.

Zucchini Noodles with Bolognese Sauce

When trying to make healthier choices at restaurants, you might consider trying zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce as a delicious and satisfying option.

Zucchini noodle alternatives are a great way to cut down on carbs and increase your vegetable intake. Zucchini is low in calories and high in nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. By replacing traditional pasta with zucchini noodles, you can enjoy a lighter and more nutritious meal.

Pairing it with bolognese sauce adds flavor and protein to your dish. Bolognese sauce is made with ground meat, tomatoes, onions, and herbs, providing essential nutrients and a satisfying taste.

The combination of zucchini noodles and bolognese sauce is a healthier alternative that still satisfies your cravings for a comforting Italian meal. So next time you’re dining out, give zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce a try for a nutritious and delicious option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I request for the chicken to be cooked without any added oils or sauces?

You can definitely request for the chicken to be cooked without any added oils or sauces. Many restaurants are happy to accommodate dietary preferences and can make substitutions to meet your needs.

Are the vegetables in the Grilled Chicken with Vegetables dish seasoned with any spices or seasonings that may contain hidden carbs?

The vegetables in the grilled chicken with vegetables dish are seasoned with spices that may contain hidden carbs. You can ask if there are low carb seasoning alternatives available or request the vegetables to be cooked without oils or sauces.

Can I substitute the avocado salsa in the Salmon with Avocado Salsa dish with something else if I don’t like avocado?

If you don’t like avocado, you can try substituting the avocado salsa in the salmon dish with other keto-friendly toppings like a lemon herb sauce, a tomato and cucumber salsa, or a garlic butter sauce. Get creative and enjoy!

Is the Caesar Salad with Grilled Shrimp dressing made with any high-carb ingredients like sugar or honey?

No, the caesar salad with grilled shrimp dressing does not contain high-carb ingredients like sugar or honey. You can request for the chicken to be cooked without added oils or sauces.

Are there any added fats or oils in the Steak with Steamed Broccoli dish, or is it cooked without any added fats?

The steak with steamed broccoli dish is cooked without any added fats, making it a healthy option on a keto-friendly diet. It provides essential nutrients like protein and fiber, while helping with weight loss and improving blood sugar control.


So there you have it, the best keto-friendly dishes to order at restaurants. Whether you’re craving a juicy grilled chicken with a side of flavorful vegetables or a succulent salmon topped with creamy avocado salsa, these options are sure to satisfy your taste buds while keeping you on track with your keto diet.

And don’t forget about the classic Caesar salad with grilled shrimp or a hearty steak accompanied by steamed broccoli. And for those pasta lovers, zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce are a delicious alternative.

With these choices, you can enjoy dining out without compromising your keto lifestyle. Bon appétit!

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